
Mac mongo gui
Mac mongo gui

mac mongo gui

These examples represent my suggestions on how open source software can deliver the same functionality as enterprise versions.

mac mongo gui

I should highlight that Percona doesn’t have a partnership with those companies. However, following the philosophy offered in an earlier blog post - why pay if open source has you covered - I’d like to demonstrate some free tools that offer the same functionality. I’ve left these features offered by MongoDB Compass Enterprise out of this article. In the community version, we don’t have Real Time Server Status, Document Validation, or Schema Analysis available. Here are the main screens of MongoDB Compass, they are pretty self-explanatory. The installation is very straightforward and it is available to all operating systems. We used MacOS version as an example but the product looks the same in all supported OS, including Linux with GUI.

  • MongoDB 3.6 Change Streams – a Nest Temperature Fan Control Use Case.
  • mac mongo gui

    We’ve already covered those in some of our blog posts and webinars, which you might find interesting: Of course, MongoDB 3.6 was released in November 2017 and it comes with a lot of new features. We will focus on the Community version here, and look at how we can work around its limitations using free open source software. The paid-for version offers some additional features such as Schema Analysis, Real Time Server Stats, and Document Validation. It allows you to connect to your MongoDB Database to run queries, check queries execution plans, manage indexes, and create, drop/create collections and databases. MongoDB Compass Community is free, but a bit limited. This new tool has 3 main versions, these being: Community, Enterprise and Enterprise Read Only. In this blog post, we will talk a bit about the product MongoDB Compass.

    Mac mongo gui